Jupyter Theme


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Running the Docs Locally

  • Fork the repository and clone it locally.
  • cd into the Jupyter-Alabaster-Theme directory
  • Consider using a virtualenv or conda environment to manage packages.
  • Install the packages (from the root of the directory) with pip
pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
  • cd into the docs directory
  • The docs can be built with the following:
make clean && make html_theme

The docs will be built in build/html. They can be viewed by starting an HTTP server and navigating to in your web browser.

python3 -m http.server

Changing the Theme

Modifying CSS:

Do not change CSS directly, instead change Post CSS files. This project is using Post CSS, specifically the css-next module. Post CSS allows us to have nested CSS selectors and makes it easier to read them.

To Add a Post CSS file:

  1. Create a file called foo.pcss in jupyter_alabaster_theme/statuc/pcss
  2. Add @mimport foo.css to index.css.
  3. In package.json add a script with a name css:foo and action "postcss jupyter_alabaster_theme/static/pcss/foo.pcss -o jupyter_alabaster_theme/static/css/foo.css",
  4. Update css script in package.json to include npm run css:foo.

To compile Post CSS into CSS:

npm run css

Modifying Sphinx templates:

  1. Make appropriate changes to templates.
  2. Uninstall jupyter_alabaster_theme:
pip uninstall jupyter_alabaster_theme
  1. Install the package:
pip install .
  1. Re-build the Sphinx documentation (from the appropriate directory) and refresh your browser.
make clean && make html