Jupyter Theme


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How to install

To use this theme on any Sphinx based documentation, follow these steps:

Install the jupyter_alabaster_theme package using pip:

pip install jupyter_alabaster_theme

Edit your conf.py file:

  1. Set the theme to jupyter_alabaster_theme:
html_theme = 'jupyter_alabaster_theme'
  1. Add jupyter_alabaster_theme to the list of extensions:
extensions = [
  1. At the bottom of conf.py, if the following block of code is present, remove it:
if not on_rtd:
   # only import and set the theme if we're building docs locally
   import sphinx_rtd_theme
   html_theme = 'sphinx_rtd_theme'
   html_theme_path = [sphinx_rtd_theme.get_html_theme_path()]

Update Documentation Dependencies

To get your documentation to build, you will need to update its build dependencies. Update your environment.yml or requirements.txt to depend on jupyter_alabaster_theme to get the build working on ReadTheDocs. Note, we have not yet released a Conda package for this theme, so you will need to list it in the environment.yml file under the pip section.

Important Notes

  • Avoid using captions in the toctree since that is not accessible to mobile navigation menus and the breadcrumbs.
  • Avoid adding subsections that are on the same page as the section to the toctree. Subsections are not accessible to the mobile navigation menus and breadcrumbs. This can be avoided by limiting maxdepth for a toctree. Another option is to set the titlesonly option:
.. toctree::

  • More information about the toctree can be found at the Sphinx documentation site
  • The theme itself sets html_sidebars to include a custom sidebar navigation template. If you want to use different sidebar templates, simply set your own in conf.py, to override the theme’s defaults. Otherwise you can add more by:
  # Additional sidebars can be added here